The Steinbach Chamber understands the joys and challenges that our local businesses face.
We are passionate about business excellence and helping businesses succeed in our community. Consider us your business partner and support as you navigate your path to success.

Local businesses are more than just a place to shop
They are a part of our community’s backbone. They employ our family and friends, donate to sports teams and charities, and invest in the community in so many other ways. You invest in our city and neighbouring communities when you support local.
Support Local
More For You Here
Diversity, recreation, services, arts, shopping, vibrancy… the list goes on. As the third-largest city in the province, Steinbach is an affordable, growing community for the young to the young at heart. We invite you to discover more, experience more and SHARE the good life that has always made Steinbach “Worth the Trip”.
Learn More
Immigrant Services
Eastman Immigrant Services (EIS) is the Steinbach Chamber’s largest initiative. Newcomers provide a solid labour force from which employers can hire, and an increased population also translates to an increase in local consumers. The primary focus of EIS is to optimize successful settlement and integration for newcomers, making the transition to a new community a positive experience for newcomers and the receiving community.
About EIS